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Best Three Homemade Facewash For Oily Skin And Blackhead

Best Three  Facewash For Oily Skin And Blackhead

Best Three Homemade Facewash For Oily Skin And Blackhead

The oily skin develops easily and slows down the aging process. Certainly, oily skin has several benefits, but there are also many disadvantages that most women can not ignore. The dermatologist agrees that oily skin blocks pores and produces white spots and pimples or pimples. In addition, it also makes your face fat.

What is the cause of oily skin?

When your body's sebaceous glands become overly active, your skin becomes oily. After that, sebum becomes excessive. There are many factors that cause this, such as diet selection, genetics, drug therapy, hormonal changes, stress, menstrual cycle, excessive use of skin care products.

Let's take a closer look at these elements.

1. Genetics: 

If your family member has oily skin, you probably have it too.

2. Climate:

 Humidity and heat will increase during summer and spring, possibly increasing oil production. Your skin will sweat and turn into oil. On the other hand, in winter, the skin may dry due to dehydration. The skin fights this and overcomes what is missing. In this process, your skin will become fat.

3. Hormonal changes: 

Hormonal levels change throughout women's lives, such as puberty, pregnancy, menopausal menopause and premenopause. This may cause sebaceous glands to be overly sensitive. For example, androgen hormones, which cause oil production, become very active at puberty. If you think that androgen is a specific androgenic hormone, it is not. Androgens also affect women and are present in greater amounts than estrogens in women's body. This hormone not only stimulates growth but also produces excess oil and causes pore blockage. Similarly, androgen levels are also increasing shortly before the menstrual period, during menopause and during pregnancy. That is why there is pimples just before menstruation begins.

4. Stress: 

The body releases hormone cortisol when the body is taut. Hormonal cortisol is known to activate sebaceous glands very much.

5. Unnecessary tool for skin care:

Do not use washcloth, cloth, brush or scrubber. If you scrub too much and apply a lot of pressure, you can irritate your skin and let it dry. This can cause excessive production of oil by the sebaceous gland and can compensate for the loss.

Best facial cleanser for oily skin

Best Three Homemade Facewash For Oily Skin And Blackhead, skin care

1. Coconut Oil and Honey Facial Cleanser

This can be the best cleanser for oily skin. Both coconut oil and honey have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which helps fight oil. Because necessary ingredients are prepared, it is safe.

Obtain this:

Extra virgin coconut oil - 3 cups

Raw honey - 1 teaspoon of a teaspoon

Baking soda - 1 teaspoon

1 container with a lid

Do this:

First, pour coconut oil into a small bowl. Take a spoon and stir. If the oil is hard to please heat the spoon and then dry it. You need to stir with a hot spoon.

Add honey.

Now add baking soda and stir well.

Transfer to a container and store at room temperature.

Please do not worry if it solidifies. It melts when painted on your skin.

How to Apply :

Take a spoon or spatula and take out a small part.

Apply now to your neck and face. Please move your fingers and peel off.

Please soak it in warm water and remove it.

Please dry with a clean towel.

Best Three Homemade Facewash For Oily Skin And Blackhead,,skincare

2. Cucumber

Because of its quiet and convergent nature, cucumbers can help fight excess oil. Cucumber can give you rich minerals and high quantity vitamins A and E

Take this:

Medium cucumber - 1

Lime juice (optional) - 1/2 teaspoon

Do this:

Cut the cucumber. The slice should be thick.

Rub your face now.

Rinse in the morning with lukewarm water.

You can do it every day at bedtime. tomato, honey can also be used as a mask. For this you have to combine half a teaspoon of lime juice with another teaspoon of half cucumber juice and apply it on the face. Please, wash once it dries.

3. Milk

Milk makes the skin flexible and the fat flexible. It is a very good cleaner. The alpha-hydroxy acid milk gently loosens your skin and maintains a natural pH balance.

Take this:

Milk - 2 teaspoons

Lavender or sandalwood oil - 2-3 drops

Do this:

Choose one of these oils and mix with milk.

Now use cotton balls to apply it on your face.

Massage gently for several minutes.

Leave it at night. Please, wash with cold water in the morning.

This facial cleanser can be used on the oily skin every day.

Best  Three Facewash For Oily Skin And Blackhead


10 Foods It will help to Increase Your Hair Growth and strength

How to increase your hair growth speed

How to increase your hair growth speed,

Every woman on this Earth wants beautiful long hair. But the problem is that not everyone has long, shiny hair. Your genetics play an important role in determining the length of your hair and the degree of growth of your hair! Not only genes, diet and other lifestyle habits also play an important role in growing your hair faster and longer. You can not change your genes, but you can certainly get a healthy and balanced diet, get proper hair care, incorporate specific herbal therapy and grow your hair. We discuss all of these ways to grow hair faster, but before that, we will know how fast your hair is growing and what is your growth pattern!

How fast will the hair grow?

How to increase your hair growth speed, long hair,hair growth,

Our hair grows at a speed of about 1.25 centimeters or 0.5 inches per month. This means, on average, that the hair grows about 15 centimeters or 6 inches a year. But this is only true if you take care of your meal and your hair properly.

Our hair grows in three stages called growth period, regression period and telogen period. Whole hair is in its own stage of development. When the growth cycle is over, when you start again, new hair starts.

In the first stage, at the stage of development, new hair grows in the hair bulb. Due to cell division, the new cells will lead to new hair growth, so that the hair will be pushed forward and grow longer. Normal and healthy hair lasts from 2 to 6 years. The longer you stay in this growing period, the more you grow up. About 80-85% of the hair is at this stage at any time, and it is growing continuously.

In the second phase, in the regressive phase, cell division stops, and hair growth stops. At this stage, for about 2 weeks, the follicle contracts and is progressively separated from the nutrient source.

In the final phase, the resting period, the follicles remain "resting" or asleep for 1 to 4 months.

At a certain point, these hair follicles begin to grow back as the base of the hairs separates from the root and the hairs come off. New hair starts to appear within two weeks.

From all the discussion to date about hair growth, we can conclude that the hair should stay longer in the first stage. There are ways to grow your hair, there is a specific way to do it! They are there!

How to grow hair faster?

How to increase your hair growth speed, long hair
Here's a way to grow your hair faster! But do not forget that the hair has this growth rate. It can simply promote the growth of your hair. In the previous section, we talk about how hair grows and how fast it grows. If this is not the case, please read it again and be patient with the growth of your hair. Obviously, it does not develop in a day, a week or a month. But if you follow the tips below to help you grow up patiently and quickly, for example, in the months to come, long, beautiful hair can be created!

Please make a proper meal for your hair to grow faster

Protein and diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals play an important role in the growth rate of your hair. Please bring foods containing many vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, and selenium. The vitamin B complex is very important, especially to grow your hair faster. Here are some foods to include in your diet, so it grows faster.


How to increase your hair growth speed, egg image,

Eggs are a good source of protein and they know what! The hair is composed mainly of proteins. So, do not be ashamed of this humble egg white. It gives you a basic component, that is, proteins. And yes, please do not throw yolk. It also includes things that help the egg yolk grow quickly. I have biotin Yes, the same biotin that I was thinking of getting help to make your hair grow faster from your supplement.

Omega 3 rich in fatty acids and salmon and other foods

Nuts like salmon and walnut have many of these omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, hair too, because it is composed of these types of fatty acids, if you want the faster hair to grow, you should always eat them.

Foods rich in oysters and zinc

How to increase your hair growth speed, iron rich food for hair growth

Because you need zinc A deficiency of zinc in your body leads to an itchy, dry scalp that will not grow your hair. In fact, zinc deficiency also leads to hair removal. So we have a multitude of oysters and other foods with zinc to promote the prevention of hair loss so that the mechanism does not affect hair growth. In addition to oysters is the most abundant source of zinc, you can eat red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grains, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, vegetables, such as kale.

Sweet potatoes rich in vitamin A and other foods

How to increase your hair growth speed
Vitamin A is faster to grow the hair by adjusting the oily scalp, the hair is dry and then falls without hurting it. Then, sweet potato, carrots, dark green vegetables, squash, lettuce, dried apricots, melons, peppers, and mango.

Iron-rich foods

Iron deficiency leads to hair removal. On the other hand, enough iron in the blood to ensure a sufficient amount of blood and other nutrients that have been oxidized in the hair follicles. Good nutrition at the root of your hair means a longer life and good hair growth. Therefore, oysters and other mollusks, liver, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, nuts, beef, lamb, beans, legumes, whole grains, dark green vegetables, there are foods rich in iron, such as delicious dark chocolate.

Foods rich in vitamin B

The whole "family" of B vitamins will make your hair grow faster. Vitamin B5 handles essential fatty acids to prevent your hair from becoming dull and injured. Meanwhile, vitamins B7 and B12 will treat the protein in which your hair is made. Vitamin B 9 is necessary for cell growth to determine how long your hair stays in the first stage of hair growth. Please remember that your hair is getting longer at this point. sweet potato, tuna, crab, avocado, cheese, eggs, pork, beef, chicken, turkey, sunflower seeds, cereals, meat, liver, dark green vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, citrus, beans, lentils, okra, Brussels There are sprouts, etc. In summary, I have all the food I've heard that I'm healthy as I get older.

Food rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential to keep your scalp healthy. It will promote the flow of blood to your scalp and make your hair grow faster. spinach seeds, chard, spinach, mustard greens, turnip, black pine, hazelnuts, walnut avocado pine, broccoli, parsley, papaya, olive oil, sunflower oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, seed oil of cotton, olive oil, like safflower oil, etc. This is all, it gives you the portion of vitamin E needed to maintain the health of your skin and scalp for further hair growth.

All the best for your healthy hair

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Week With Home Remedies Without Exercise

Here you can read effective health tips to lose your belly fat in a weak without any exercise.

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Week  With Home Remedies Without Exercise

Everyone on this planet wants to lose their belly fat! Yes, it's a big problem. Belly fat not only looks ugly but can also be dangerous for your health. But How to lose ur belly fat? nobody knows the right answer, here you can see effective tips to reduce your fat from the belly.

For this reason, the abdominal fat loss can bring great benefit to your health and can help you live longer.Abdominal fat is usually calculated by measuring the perimeter around the waist. This can easily be done at home with simple tape.Thirty inches (102 cm) for men and 35 inches (88 cm) for women are known as abdominal obesity.
How to Lose Belly Fat in a Week  With Home Remedies Without Exercise

If you have a lot of fat around your waist, you should take steps to get rid of it, even if it does not weigh too much.

Fortunately, there are several proven strategies that have been shown to target more fat in the abdominal area than other parts of the body.

Fat or visceral fat around your abdomen causes diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia. If you lose your abdominal fat, you need good food. They detoxify your liver and increase your metabolism so that your body can focus on belly fat. There are many foods and spices that burn fat that can help you lose your belly fat. There are some very effective home remedies for losing belly fat with the help of these foods and spices.

How to lose your belly fat with home remedies

Burn your fat with lemon

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Week  With Home Remedies Without Exercise

The stressful liver cannot effectively metabolize fat and deposits around the waist, so it must detoxify the liver. Lemon water improves the enzyme that detoxifies the liver and demonstrates primary functions.

Lemon 1

Water - 1 glass

After getting up in the morning, please take a lemon and squeeze the juice in water.

Hot water is suitable for making water with lemon to burn fat, but you can use water at room temperature. This will not stop the lemon work.

Drink this lemon water well in the sky every day in the morning.

Please do not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after drinking water with lemon every morning.

Use Fish oil to lose your fat

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Week  With Home Remedies Without Exercise

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 acids such as icosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, linolenic acid, etc. They break down fat and reduce the accumulation of fat around the waist. If you can not get fish oil, you have fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Administer 6 g of fish oil per day. 6 grams is almost the same as a deluxe soup spoon that seems to be almost overflowing.

You can also eat salmon and mackerel twice a week. Tuna and psyllium are also rich in Omega 3.

Ginger can reduce your belly fat

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Week  With Home Remedies Without Exercise,

I recognize that ginger is a natural digestive organ, but do you experience that ginger is tropical? Thermogenic agents increase body temperature and assist burn fat more efficiently. Your abdominal fat may be the result of one of several reasons, such as overeating, decreased age-related hormones, shortage of exercise or stress. Ginger can effectively solve each of these problems. It is also said that ginger suppresses the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone essential for the regulation and mobilization of energy. Therefore, take your ginger tea every day and assist in your efforts to lose abdominal fat.

How to make tea with lemon and ginger honey?

Water - 4 cups

Ginger (peeled and sliced) - 1-2 inch piece

Lemon 1

1 tablespoon of honey

Boil water

Add the ginger to hot water and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Remove from heat and add lemon juice and honey.

In the morning, mix well and get a cup of this ginger tea.

To control your metabolism, drink at least two cups of ginger tea all day to stimulate your digestion and reduce cortisol production.

All the best to you in your efforts to lose belly fat!

Why Do You Drink This Juice After Workout And Why Is This Essential For Your Health

Winter arrives and the pantry will take care of a colorful display of a wide variety of seasonal products. Radiant carrots, ruby red beets, fresh leafy vegetables, crispy radishes et al. Winter vegetables provide a breath of fresh air to the monotony of the daily diet. They come with the most essential micronutrients that the body needs. It is also likely that winter vegetables are sweetened to give the body a substantial boost of energy. One of the main ingredients in the manufacture of vegetable juice par excellence is beetroot.

beetroot juice, carrot juice,

The popularity of beetroot juice has gained a lot of commercial attention in recent years. Medical studies and scientific research have often associated the consumption of beet juice with improved sports performance. Beetroot is an excellent source of nitrates that the enzymes of our saliva convert into nitric oxide. The process helps improve blood flow and stimulates resistance. It is also known to facilitate the treatment of hypertension

Juice Diet

The beautiful bright color of the beetroots, like its distinctive flavor, is difficult to lose.In addition to many health benefits, many like to add carrots to juice. These two nice vegetables are responsible for increasing blood flow, lowering blood pressure, detoxifying the body, and preventing health problems. Due to the presence of many essential nutrients and antioxidants, adding a pinch of tomato, ginger, mint, black salt and black pepper is perfectly delicious for those who do not like the taste. If you do not put this juice into your daily diet, you probably have to start right away. This must be the wonderful drink you need to know! Here are some reasons why carrots and beet juice are added to your meals with supplements

beetroot juice,carrot juice,

Beetroot and Carrot Juice give you this

1. This magical drink contains vitamin C, it prevents pigmentation of the skin and softens the shine of the skin. Beet and carrots are a good source of minerals to help repair lifeless hair and further reduce the risk of breakage

2. Beet and carrot juice is an excellent antidote because of the presence of betaine in the beet which helps to maintain healthy liver function. Carrot juice helps to effectively excrete toxins in the body.

3. When enough iron is present in both vegetables, it helps to produce healthy red blood cells. Intake of juice helps to treat anemia and has proved to be an excellent home remedy for menstrual disorders and menopausal symptoms.

4. Beet and carrot help stimulate the metabolic system and ease constipation. These vegetable phytonutrients help to stimulate the digestive system. In addition to balancing blood glucose levels, carrots contain fibers that keep the digestive tract healthy.

Since beet is considered a nitrate-based food, this juice helps to improve blood flow. These nitrates are converted to nitric oxide, a compound that relaxes the artery and improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain.

5. Make a refreshing drink, And there are mint and ginger. Menthol's menthol helps to replenish your mind and body. In short, the presence of healthy things such as beets, carrots, ginger, mint, black pepper helps make this juice a wonderful drink. Therefore, please make this drink your best friend before these vegetables are removed from the market.

6. Both vegetables contain beta-carotene, a substance used to produce vitamin A. This vitamin plays a role in promoting healthy eyesight and age-related eye problems such as macular degeneration cataract

7. This juice is also known to lower blood pressure due to the presence of nitrate, nitrate helps to regulate and maintain blood pressure level.


Meat consuption Causing Liver Diseases - New Study Report

Hey meat lovers, please take care of your meat intake, Increased consumption of red or processed meat may increase the risk of developing a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease that many researchers have discovered.

It is considered the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome, with insulin resistance and inflammation as key factors in its pathophysiology. The researchers have a comment.The researchers note that high meat consumers were slightly younger, mainly in the male population, and had a higher body mass index, calorie intake, and poorer metabolic profile.

fatty liver,liver disease,red meat,boiled meat image

Your liver is your body's treatment plant, its function is to designate nutrients such as proteins and fats for its use and to send the toxins from the breakdown of proteins to your kidneys. However, the excess of protein and fat in your diet can be harmful to your liver, resulting in a slowdown in organ production, an unlikely event if you consume excessive amounts of red meat, which tend to be rich in proteins. and fats. Knowing how red meat can affect your liver can help you maintain your health.

meat image,red meat,meat causing causing liver cancer

Because your liver is responsible for breaking down and packing proteins, red meat will break down in your diet. If you are a healthy individual, your liver should be able to break down these foods with little difficulty. However, the long-term effects of excessive intake of red meat in the liver are, at best, uncertain, according to With the growing popularity of high protein and low carbohydrate diets, it is possible that excessive long-term consumption of red meat will worsen liver problems. While your liver can break down protein, if you eat large portions, you may not be able to break it down properly.

In addition to being high in protein, red meat is high in fat, which can be problematic for the liver. "Even the leanest meat cuts are high in fat," according to Melissa Palmer, MD, a doctor who writes on "In fact, about 50 to 75 percent of the calories in most red meats come from fat." Although it should have some aspect of the fats in your diet, red meat contains saturated fats, which can contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease, and can be especially harmful when you are suffering from liver disease.

When you have liver disease, some proteins are better tolerated than others, according to the Hepatitis Foundation International. If your liver disease is advanced and your liver can break down certain proteins, red meat may not be tolerated as effectively as vegetable and dairy proteins. Talk to your doctor about how eating red meat can affect your stage of liver disease. Your doctor may recommend eating a small portion of lean red meat, about 4 oz. - as an occasional option

People who are already diagnosed with NAFLD and have similar consequences, as well as a growing possibility of diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes and chronic heart disease. The researchers mention in the study.

meat image,red meat,meat causing causing liver cancer,

The unhealthy Western lifestyle plays an important role in the development and progression of NAFLD, ie the lack of physical activity and also the high consumption of fructose and saturated fats.

The study looks at other common foods in the Western diet that is red and meat processing, to determine if it increases the risk of liver disease.

The combination of meat type and method of cooking with NAFLD and insulin resistance, the team includes 357 participants, between 40 and 70 years old.

NAFLD and insulin resistance evaluate an evaluation of the ultrasound and homeostasis model. The type of meat and method of cooking measured the frequency of food and also detailed questionnaires on meat consumption.

The results show that NAFLD diagnostics in 38.7% of participants and insulin resistance in at least 30.5%.

Therefore, it is the points that describe the high intake of meat that carries the risk of liver disease. If any of the questions persist, feel free to comment on their points of view.

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